Monday, November 5, 2007

Pit Bull Attack 1 Year Old

The Baltimore Sun ran a story today about a Pit Bull attacking a 1 year old in his home. The family claims the dog had never shown any signs of aggression until the attack.

The dogs owner, Kenneth Garrison, said he had owned four pit bulls previously and that none of them was vicious. He had assumed ownership of the dog from a cousin who died last month.
When seeing the dog attacking he grabbed the dog by its neck and fought with it for about 10 minutes. Garrison said he wrestled the dog into the kitchen, where it remained while the rest of the family rushed out a back door. He eventually left the dog in the house to attend to his child.
Authorities later arrived and Tasered the dog where he was then taken to a shelter. The next day, the Garrisons signed papers to have him euthanized.